Total Stations and Laser Stations in Surveying: Operations and Benefits


Individuals working in the real estate, construction, and architectural industries are familiar with 3D laser scanning stations and total stations. Rental is an excellent means to take the total stations and laser scanning layout to the construction and design process to the next level. When it is concerned with accuracy in 3D scanning of metrology services, total stations & laser stations rental are excellent choices. Renting also provides the scope to perform independent scanning and point layout before investing a large capita.

What Are Total Stations?

It is a contemporary, and advanced surveying tool that includes an electronic distance meter with an electronic theodolite. An electronic theodolite utilizes a mobile telescope to evaluate the angles present in both vertical and horizontal planes. Conventionally speaking, they are manual tools that are categorized into two types:

  1. Transit
  2. Non-Transit

Total stations make use of electronic transit theodolites along with an electronic distance meter to assess slope distance from the tool to any specific spot. It won’t be wrong to mention that there are two surveying instrument tools amalgamated into one. Furthermore, when the tool is used with other technology, like mapping software, it can deliver a complete surveying package starting from measuring to mapping.

How Surveying Has Transformed With Modern Total Stations?

Enhanced Accuracy

The use of 3D lasers and total stations ensures a high level of accuracy by applying different principles of mathematics and physics, like triangulation and trigonometry. Modern metrology services and surveying devices include advanced GPS technology that can be utilized by the total stations & laser stations rental. Furthermore, advancement in technology enables surveyors to assess the unnoticed points in the survey.

High-Resolution Images

Total stations feature updated image capture technology. The technology can record any images and screen-view-worthy shots of the surveying location. Thus, it eliminates the requirement of expensive visits and revisits to the site for the sake of capturing high-resolution images of different conditions of the location.

Improved Functionality and Efficiency

One of the advantages of the latest 3D laser scanners and total stations is their robotic aspect. This indicates that the tools can function from a distance. Furthermore, only one surveyor in the field is adequate rather than investing in two surveyors. For instance, a robotic controller can stream the target view of the total station and laser stations in real-time to a surveyor from distance and take charge of the entire operations.

Electronic Dcoumentation

The biggest challenge for traditional surveyors was paper documentation and manual sketching. It was not only time-consuming but also prone to a plethora of errors. Thanks to electronic documentation and advanced sketching functions, total stations and 3D laser scanners don’t have to rely on paper notes and field visits. One can invest in the total stations & laser stations rental programs and find out how electronic documentation helps in the long run.

Modern Data Storage and Sharing

Another highlighting feature of total stations and laser stations is that data stored and processed can be easily downloaded to other computer devices for archiving and sharing with other applications and systems, like mapping software. Electronic notebooks are used for storing data and information. The downloaded data can be utilized for further processing. Today, total stations have replaced the manual theodolite as a vital surveying instrument.

Benefits of Using Total Stations

Some key benefits of total stations over traditional surveying tools are mentioned below.

  • Fieldwork is carried out instantly
  • There is a high level of accuracy in the measurement
  • The calculation of coordinates is accurate and super-fast
  • Manual flaws in reading and recording data are restricted

To enjoy the benefits of total stations and laser stations, it is recommended that surveyors must evaluate the working condition of the tools before using them. If there is any problem in the functioning of the instruments, the measurements and assessments carried out are faulty as well.


When one invests in the total stations & laser stations rental services, he/she can get an insight into the instruments. They are compact tools and lightweight as well. Hence, surveyors find them convenient and easy to carry them to the field. The market is filled with total stations and 3D laser scanners with a distinct range of measurements, accuracy, and angles. Depending on the industrial sector, and their usage, the apt surveying tools must be picked.

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